วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 31, 2549

A Halloween Tale of Terror; For My Democratic Friends...

Cue the Twilight Zone theme; fade to the stunned and slackjawed faces of Democrats and their media hacks, as the ground spins below them as the skies above - we awaken(?) to find ourselves in the year...2004???? HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING...AGAIN????

With less than a week until midterm congressional elections that will help determine the course of the final quarter of his presidency, the President is summoning the formidable campaign skills that helped him triumph in the primaries and general election of 2000, and win electoral and popular victories in 2004.

It's all back: The darkened halls that explode in spotlights as the President takes the stage. His frenzied hand-over-hand greeting of a few lucky audience members as he races to the podium. And the contagious country music, from Brooks and Dunn "dreaming in read white and blue" to Texan Pat Green proclaiming: "You came upon me, wave on wave. You're the reason I'm still here, yeah." The crowd in Sugar Land, formerly represented by Rep. Tom DeLay, was treated to one of the greatest shows on earth: the President's chopper taxiing up to the hangar door, an aide racing his speech to the podium with the engine still running, then the President entering to the theme from Harrison Ford's "Air Force One."

With the crowd waving pom-poms, Old Glory and little Lone Star flags, Bush said hoarsely that he's "looking forward to sprinting to the finish line," and declared that the Democrats were doing some premature celebrating.

Can the fiendishly clever, diabolically evil George W. Bush somehow steal another election that rightfully belongs to the Democratic Party? Will the twisted Spawn of Satan himself, the accursed Karl Rove, let loose his dark hordes of Evangelical Christians upon the voting booths, verily tilting them to the right? Will Lucy pull the football away from Charlie Brown one more time, leaving him sprawled upon the ground, foot and ankle asunder, forced to hear the gales of laughter emitting from his tormentor?

But fear not, my friends on the Left! This is only a spooky Halloween tale....OR IS IT?
