วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 02, 2549

Congressman Rush Holt: Hatin' On Our Troops

Way-off-the-ledge liberal Congressman Rush Holt of central New Jersey is bringing the hate down upon American troops. Joining John Kerry's jihad against American servicemen and women, Rush is questioning new ways that allow military personnal serving overseas to vote more conveniently:

A New Jersey congressman raised questions Thursday about a new military voting program that lets service members request and submit their ballots by fax or e-mail.

He said that while U.S. military personnel should participate in the political process, "no one is served by introducing possibilities for error, insecurity, and fraud."
Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said the Defense Department has set up a secure absentee voter program that will allow military members to request and receive absentee ballots. The new program, she said, lets people vote without relying on the regular mail system.

Is Rush really worried about the security of the votes of the troops, or is he worried about the votes of the troops? With so many races teetering either way by a few percentage points, the strong pro-Republican serviceman vote could sway more than one seat away from the Democrats. So Mr. Holt does his best to make it more difficult for America's bravest citizens to vote, all in the hopes of scoring a little more power for himself and his cronies in the House. Kinda like a Poll Tax, or Voter ID, or a National Voter Identification card, right Rush? We know how much you support those...

Rush has no shame in his Kerryesque troop-bashing; he fops around New Jersey with the number-one military hater, The Honorable Democratic Traitor John Murtha:

Democratic Congressman John Murtha, an outspoken critic of the Bush administration's refusal to set a deadline for withdrawing all U.S. forces from Iraq, stumped yesterday in support of U.S. Rep. Rush Holt and New Jersey Assemblywoman Linda Stender's Congressional election bids.

Yesterday, Murtha called Holt a "leading light" in Congress who should be reelected.

"Under new leadership in Congress, we will audit the books ... and, most of all, we will take the reins for our military policy," Holt said

That is terrifing. Rush Holt and John Murtha, two Democrats who campaign on their disdain for fighting Amercican men and women, becoming the new arbitrators of Unites States military policy.

If only we could get them in a commercial together, boasting about their plans to "take the reins" of the armed services, and fade in just a little bit of John Kerry mocking our soldiers' intelligence, we could keep these Democratic hate-hounds braying outside of Congress for another ten years...

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Enlighten-NewJersey กล่าวว่า...

“No one is served by introducing possibilities for error, insecurity, and fraud." -- Rush Holt.

Closer to home - This will be the fourth straight year New Jersey’s “state Attorney General's Office failed to comply with federal voting laws.” A 2005 study uncovered thousands of cases in New Jersey where ineligible people voted, voted more than once or voted posthumously in the 2004 election. Holt must be beside himself over the potential for fraud again this year
Undoubtedly, the congressman favors proof of citizenship as part of the voter registration process and the presentation of photo ID at the polling place. The rise in the number of votes by absentee ballots here in the Garden state must keep him up at night.