วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 07, 2549

Democratic Dirty Tricks in New Jersey!

Well, the Democrats in New Jersey, not content to rely on their numerical/financial advantages, have dipped into the bag of dirty tricks to derail the Kean for Senate campaign. From a statement by Kean campaign manager Evan Kozlow:

"It appears the Democrats have already resorted to Election Day dirty tricks. Late last night vandals struck the Kean for Senate Headquarters and an auxiliary office of the Star-Ledger by chaining closed the main entrance to the building as well as breaking off keys in the side door entrances.

Desperate ploys such as using Hudson County Correctional Inmates to disrupt press conferences or chaining closed the front door to our headquarters, will not prevent us from informing voter's that Bob Menendez is under Federal Criminal Investigation and is unfit to serve in the United States Senate.

Surprised nobody beat me up on my way to the polls this morning...
