วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 08, 2549

But I am DEFINITELY irritated by...

....the outcome of the New Jersey Senatorial contest. Menendez is under a federal investigation likely to affect his ability to adequately represent New Jersey in the Senate, yet still gets elected! Well, maybe in a different year, he would have got caught in a wave going in the opposite direction...
But what really gets my goat is this little smirkfest between the crook and his crony, as reported by
Enlighten New Jersey:

Governor Jon
Corzine commenting on Bob Menendez’ win over Tom Kean: "George Bush and Karl Rove can take it and put it in a place where it doesn't show."


How will the 970,381+ people who voted for Tom Kean feel when they hear or read Corzine’s remark? Yawn, what’s new, taxpayers are used to being treated with contempt in New Jersey.

This election was a Democratic win, but not a rout:

Bob Menendez - 1,152,978 - 53%
Tom Kean - 970,381 - 45%

About 100,00 votes going the other way, out of over 2 million, could change the outcome of the next election. Yet is Menendez or Corzine going to represent all of New Jersey, including the 45%+ that don't march faithfully with liberal dogma? Obviously not, as they take their slim margin of victory and smear it in the faces of the one million New Jersey residents whom have different views than they. Remember, Johnny Boy, this state once went for likes of Christie Todd Whitman (twice) and Ronald Reagan. There's no 40% victory margins like the Dems see in New York; I'd reckon it's a bit early to be so damn cocky...

Nice behavior by our rabidly partisan governer; and I'm sure you'll see no dissent from the little bitch-boy who now holds his Senate seat. We'll be watching you, Menendez - better behave, or the Democrats may be forced to actually make good on their pledges to run an "ethical" Congress...
