วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 18, 2549

France Ready to Attack Israel

Way back in early September, yours truly noted the French military buildup in Lebenon, allegedly for their role as UN "peacekeepers", and predicted thusly:

...and who's to say that France is not intending to more forcefully step into a possible renewed Israeli-Lebanese conflict, given their longstanding colonial roots in that nation? Could their final dhimmitude be achieved by deploying the French armed forces against Israel?

here we go today:

French UN anti-aircraft batteries have taken “preparatory steps” to respond to Israeli jets violating Lebanese airspace, despite global criticism of such incursions.
“The anti-aircraft unit of the (French) battalion took initial preparatory steps to respond to these actions,” Milos Strugar, spokesman for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) told AFP on Friday.

So the French are not willing to stop the resupply of Hezbollah through Lebanon and Syria, but are chomping at the bit to shoot down Israeli planes trying to observe the rearmament of an enemy that attacked them back in July.

But one cannot totally blame the dhimmi French; Jew-killing has been in their blood for over a thousand years, and they cling to the vain hope that by joining sides with their Muslim tormentors they may be spared the further onslaughts of the intifada that has been burning their cities.

But one can blame Ehud Olmert, for fighting a war he was afraid to win, then signing a "peace treaty" under UN auspices, perhaps the most anti-Israeli and anti-Semetic organization save the remnents of the Nazi party itself. He allowed the wolves through the gates and onto the doorstep of his tiny country, where they now are poised to feast, all so that he could avoid the feared and dreaded "international condemnation" (which Israel gets smacked with on a daily basis anyway).

Have no doubt, the French will fire upon Israeli jets, and upon Israeli territory. For they know there is nothing Israel can do to respond. Any attempt to fire back upon the French risks alienating all of the EU, and likely qualifies as attacking a UN-backed unit. Olmert has poffered his hands to be cuffed, and now that he is immobile, can do nothing to protect himself and his country from the next onslaught by Hezbollah (figure by late springtime, or thereabouts). He has done more damage to the security of Israel than any Arab leader or Muslim terrorist has been able to accomplish since 1948. The enemies of Israel know this, and are
moving forward...

Meanwhile, Gateway Pundit reports that Israel may have developed a way for oil to be obtained cheaply from shale deposits within the earth and sold for aound $17- a barrel in an enviornmentally-freindly manner. Could save the planet from global warming, could prevent WWIII....hmmm...while we frantically bow to the Muslims every time they rattle their swords, the world spits upon Israel and the Jews, who only work tirelessly to make the world a better place. What does this say about the morality of the "international community"? Well, my question is....

When will the United Nations take action to prevent Israel from developing this technique? After all, it is obviously an attack on Arab countries; can you imagine what would happen to the price of crude if most nations could retrieve the majority of their oil from within their own borders? How would Arab nations support their favorite terrorist group...er, I mean, what would happen to the economies of much of the Middle East if their energy resources became redundant?

This Israeli attack on the Muslim people, via their inventive and clever nature, is just another cruel Jew trick to keep down the peoples of the prophet! Shouldn't the UN Human Rights Committee be investigating, and stopping the development of cheaper oil-aquisition processes?

What - do you think I am kidding? Just wait...
