วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 14, 2549

The Whole Inmates/Asylum Thing...

...seems to be happening right on cue in the newly-Democratic House, as Nancy Pelosi backs the architect of the "cut-and-run" Iraqi policy, John Murtha, as the new House Majority leader:

Pelosi said in her letter that she was swayed to endorse Murtha, a longtime ally, by his early call for a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.

Pelosi does owe Murtha a debt, for finding a new way to couch the word "surrender" in a media-friendly style; now we just call it "redeployment"!
Nevertheless, Pelosi may have met her Harriet Meirs moment a bit early:

A public advocacy group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, blasted Pelosi, a California liberal, for backing Murtha, who it denounced as "one of the most unethical members in Congress."

"A California liberal" - whoa, there! Is this actually Reuters I'm reading?

Anyway, I mock all those Andrew-Sullivan-esque bloggers whom said that by inheriting the war, the Democrats, in assuming stewardship of it, would have to act responsibly with it. Yeah, right...How many unfit parents have destroyed their children because they didn't have the ability to act responsibly in their role as a parent, as a steward? What, you expect more from the Democrats, now stuck with a war they no longer want? Should we expect them to act responsibly here, or simply in their own immediate political interests?

Is Pelosi's backing of Murtha just a throw to the hard-left, or is reflective of incoming Democratic policy? Remember, sweet Nancy, that you did not win Congress with a wave of neo-lefties; you won it with a wave of conservative Democrats, whose constituents may not have realized that they were voting for the likes of you, John Murtha, Teddy Kennedy, Charles Rangel and Henry Waxman to assume policy control of the nation.

We shall see....meanwhile, I'll leave you with the thoughts of Andrew Olmsted:

I see that the Democrats are now ready to start pulling U.S. forces out of Iraq. While I suppose this is no surprise, I'm disappointed to see it. The Democrats have rightly pointed out that Republicans acted without gathering all appropriate data, leading to problems like Iraq. Yet now they're poised to do precisely the same thing....
