วันจันทร์, พฤศจิกายน 20, 2549

Palestinian Non-Violence? Yeah, Right...

So Israel backed down again yesterday from Hamas, and has ensured greater casualities in the future...via Daimnation! :

Palestinians yesterday stopped Israel from destroying the home of two militants by surrounding it with a human shield.
In the first incident of its kind, hundreds of neighbours surrounded the home of Mohammed Baroud and climbed on its roof after he received a call from the Israeli army informing him he had 30 minutes to vacate his home before it was destroyed by missiles.
The Israeli airforce called off its strike because of the risk of killing a large number of civilians.

It is the first time Palestinians have thwarted an Israeli air strike in this way. Israel has developed a strategy of telephoning its targets to ensure that nobody is inside when the homes are struck. Residents are given about half an hour to gather some clothes and escape. Neighbours are also contacted if the explosion is likely to be big enough to endanger them.

Nizar Rayan, a Hamas member who led the Jabalya protest, said Palestinians would continue to rush into every house to be threatened by bombardment. "We will pay with our lives to protect the houses of the fighters so they can resist the enemy assured that their homes are being protected," he said.

So Israel tries to fight a war sweetly, and is defeated because it is afraid to use the heavy-handed tactics necessary to win a war (see Iraq, American debacle in ). So now they faced with a choice - to continue to allow their enemies to run free under their noses with impunity while they continue slaughtering more innocent Jews, or to hit these targets regardless and face harsh condemnation from the world community for killing civilians.

Or are they actually "civilians" ? How innocent are the Palestinians who run to the homes of these admitted militants to protect them? Are they not forcefully endorsing the war against Israel by volunteering to protect those whom wage it? Don't these actions make them complicit in the actions of the Hamas terrorists? Does it not remove the title of "civilian" from any Palestinian who rushes to a site to defend it against a pre-broadcast oncoming Israeli attack?

Olmert's fears of the "international community" has already led him to a harsh defeat in a war he could have easily won this summer if he did not bow before the pressure of those whom wish death upon him and his countrymen anyway. Now, by these recent actions, he has bestowed the title of "civilian" upon a much larger group of Palestinian irregulars whom would be considered fair game in any other combat in human history. When do the militiamen of Hamas and Fatah rise up, rifles in one hand and Jewish heads in the other, and cry out "We are all civilians!"? That day is not far off, as The Chistian Science Monitor gleefully cheers this new Palestinian passive-aggression as..."the most effective act of nonviolent protest in the six-year Palestinian uprising" .

Why don't you ask the future victims of Baroud if the saving of his life is "nonviolent protest"?

Put another way - If you had a a chance to drop a big 'ol nasty bomb on Hitler in the early 40's, would you hesitate because he was surrounded by a few hundred swastika-wearing, seig-hailing "civilians"? Or has personal responsibilty become such an anachronism that one is no longer responsible for the policies they clearly endorse?

Bet you know what I would do...
