วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 30, 2549

"Anti Semitism in Venezuela: It Is Planned"

That's the title of a chilling post by Daniel at Venezuela News And Views. He provides us with a translation of an article in El Diario de Caracas, a pro-Chavez rag that masquerades as an unbiased news source (sound familiar?). And what are these Chavezites clamoring for? Why, the death of the Jews, of course! From the article:

The genocide they executed in Palestine and Lebanon is similar to the Holocaust which the Nazis executed against them, and they will undergo another Holocaust because of the global hatred they are accumulating. If the Jews have charged the Nazis for their victims, they will have to pay Lebanon for their killings. The Jewish race is condemned to disappear, because if they continue marrying among themselves they will continueto degenerate; if they open their marriages they will racially dilute themselves, so they only recourse is to stay united, to provoke wars, and auto-genocides.

I'm not even going to dissect this drivel, I simply do not have the stomach for it. Chavez is
not as secure as Western liberals would have you believe; and like so many other tin-pot despots who feel the ground shaking beneath him, will El Presidente seek a scapegoat; perhaps fertilizing the ground for his own little Kristallnacht? After all, the step from fascism to genocide is a small one...

The remainder of the article suggests his future course of action:

Let's pay attention of the Israeli-Zionist associations, unions and federations which are conspiring to Venezuela to take over our finances, our industries, commerce, construction; which are infiltrating government positions and politics. Possibly, we'll have to expel them from the country, as other nations have done, which is the reason that Jews remain in a continuous state of stateless exodus...

So the primary pro-Chavez newspapers are supporting the forced expulsion of the Jews from Venezuela...are they going to march them over the border, put them out to sea in rickety boats, or just shoot 'em in the back like the Nazis did? Did Mahmoud Ahmadinejad offer Chavez some dirty little nuclear secrets if he would join his effort to make the globe Judenrein ?

And how much do you bet that if you showed this article to those Northeastern liberals who crow about Chavez's donation of oil to the poor, they would simply shrug and turn their backs? Maybe some blood for oil is OK....
