วันศุกร์, พฤศจิกายน 17, 2549

Stupidity, Served South Korean Style...

President Bush, trying to stiffen global resolve to confront North Korea, failed to win South Korea's support Saturday for a tough inspection program to intercept ships suspected of carrying supplies for Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missiles

Bush sought to persuade South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to fully implement U.N. sanctions imposed on North Korea for testing nuclear weapons. He also sought South Korea's support in the Proliferation Security Initiative, a voluntary international program that calls for stopping ships suspected of trafficking in weapons of mass destruction.
Roh said his country "is not taking part in the full scope" of the security initiative" but that it would "support the principles and goals of the PSI"

How does one support "principles" by refusing to take actions that help achieve the "goals" of those principles?

North Korea is a primary target of the Proliferation Security Initiative. South Korea has only been an observer to the program out of concern its direct participation in stopping and searching North Korean ships could lead to armed clashes with its volatile neighbor.

So Roh supports "in principle" the boarding of North Korean ships in order to prevent nuclear proliferation, but will not actually board any ships that might be carrying cargo that directly lead to said proliferation. Why? Becuase of their "concern" that it may "provoke" a violent response. In other words, the South Koreans admit cowardice.

The South Koreans also cede the moral high ground to the North, by again admitting that their threats of violent retaliation are stronger than the South's attachments to their 'principles". Roh also declares, by his fear of even a skirmish with his under-armed and poorly-supplied neighbor, that a nuclear-armed North Korea is something he is willing to accept in order to aviod a fight today...

But what of tomorrow, my South Korean fool? If the North sees you are willing to vacate your so-called "principles" in order to avoid a bit of a scrape, how do you think they will treat with you once they have nukes pointed in your direction? Do you think, as you tremble in fear now, that you will find your courage in an even more perilous spot down the road?

Or do you think that the United States, even as you spit venom in their direction, will somehow sacrifice thousands of their young soldiers in order to prevent you from suffering the consequences of your short-sighted stupidity? You need us to survive, yet encourage loathing of us, and go out of your way to defy us on matters that are vital to your very survival...where is the moral principle in those actions?

Time to pull our remaining 35,00o boys out of harm's way; a harm created just as much by the sheer stupidity of the South Korean leadership as the dangerous insanity of the monsterous regime of Kim Jung Il....

Dance, little cowardly pig, dance!
