วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 26, 2549

Summoning Evil Spirits in Eurabia

Ralph Peters, in a column today, tries to knock down what he call the "myth" of a Europe that will soon be under Muslim domination. What does he use as his counterweight to the rise of Islamists within the Continent? Why, the rise of fascsim (again!) on the Continent:

The notion that continental Europeans, who are world-champion haters, will let the impoverished Muslim immigrants they confine to ghettos take over their societies and extend the caliphate from the Amalfi Coast to Amsterdam has it exactly wrong...

Don't let Europe's current round of playing pacifist dress-up fool you: This is the continent that perfected genocide and ethnic cleansing, the happy-go-lucky slice of humanity that brought us such recent hits as the Holocaust and Srebrenica.
THE historical patterns are clear: When Europeans feel sufficiently threatened - even when the threat's concocted nonsense - they don't just react, they over-react with stunning ferocity...

WE don't need to gloss over the many Muslim acts of barbarism down the centuries to recognize that the Europeans are just better at the extermination process...

Well, Peters is right on that point - Europe is, and always will be, a cauldren of nationalistic hatreds that the Imans of the Middle East can only dream about. For Peters to count on the rise of seething European racism is bad enough, but the problem is that his historical pattern is breaking down - the Muslims are making their move, and Europe hasn't even reacted (except to retreat), no less over-reacted.

Let's take a look at what's been going on across the pond...
No Parasan gives us the Europe of the future - today!

You can be in a northern English town after 9 o’clock at night on a Saturday night and these tattooed gangs of Pakistani skinheads came rolling through town. You think, what the hell is this? It’s like some futuristic dystopian thing cooked up by some mad lab scientist in which he’s taken the worst pathologies of the western world and the worst pathologies of the Muslim world and fused them together.

In France, at least these is some racist rioting going on, but it is only against the usual suspects:

...a [black] plainclothes policeman, who came to the rescue of an Israeli pursued by 150 enraged Paris St. Germain fans, fired into the crowd killing one assailant and critically wounding another.
The incident occurred after the Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer team beat Paris St. Germain 4 to 2 at the Parc des Princes stadium near the bois de Boulogne.
....Philippe Broussard of l’Express, former sports journalist and expert on hooliganism, who witnessed the attack, describes the crowd as an extremely violent dangerous horde, shouting racist and anti-Semitic insults.
“They asked if we were Jewish, or just said ‘Jew’ to see how we reacted, they looked in people’s bags to see if they had an Israeli flag, something Jewish. I saw two or three guys really get hit.”
The missing link. And yet it’s so obvious. Of course it was not one incident, not one or even five Hapoel fans, it was Jews in general who were hassled...

So the racist punks in Europe still haven't turned on the Muslims, in fact, they may be joining sides in order to destroy their common enemy, the Jew. Read the whole account of the soccer riot at Pajamas Media under the title A Jackpot - A Black and a Jew! - Nidra Poller gives a good account of the bravery of the lone French policeman who stood up to the mob as well.

So European rage continues to be aimed at the same-old same-old, while the Muslims go about remaking the Old World into a New Caliphate under Sharia law - by force, if necessary (and isn't it always?)...via

...what Islamists use most is intimidation. A survey conducted in France in May 2003 found that 77 percent of girls wearing the hijab said they did so because of physical threats from Islamist groups. A series in the newspaper Libération in 2003 documented how Muslim women and girls in France who refuse to wear the hijab are insulted, rejected, and often physically threatened by Muslim males. One of the teenage girls interviewed said, "Every day, bearded men come to me and advise me strongly on wearing the veil. It is a war. For now, there are no dead, but there are looks and words that do kill."

Sorry sweetie, you are correct of course, but there is nobody listening; they are too busy hounding the Jews. Apologies as well to Mr. Ralph Peters, whom I supposed was right to count on the rise of the old dark fury within the European soul; but was wrong when it came to which direction it would take (although it did follow a "historical pattern" of sorts)...but isn't that the problem that always happens when evil spirits are summoned? One may be able to conjour them up quite easily, but to control them - well, that's another matter entirely.

I'd still expect to bring an Arabic-to-English dictionary when visiting any/all of the great capital cities of Europe in the year 2020 - no Jews allowed, though...

UPDATE: Paul Belian at The Brussels Journal assures Peters that the Muslim threat to Europe that he so blithely dismisses is, in fact, quite real...also find it here.
