วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 07, 2549

Guess I'm gonna get up...

...and vote today anyway.

Yeah, I know the Washington Post has told me " the right description of this election cycle is not a "tidal wave" against the GOP but "an earthquake." Meanwhile, The Times begins finger-pointing in New York, while picking out likely new heroes among the Democrats.

I know. Stay home, it's over, you're finished, don't even bother to show up at the field (guess the Miami Dolphins didn't get the memo this past Sunday)....

But even without hearing here in New Jerseythat "apparently GOP tracking over the last couple of days in NJ has Kean just down two "; I was going out to vote for my peeps anyway.

Even if they are most likely headed down to defeat, I want to do my part to keep that margin as slim as possible. See if those notoriously bi-partisan Democrats, can, you know, "govern down the middle" in an election where they win seats 51%-49% .

I want to give the finger to the media, to every talking head on every news outlet, to the folks at the Guardian, and especially to the anti-Semetic, America-loathing far left of the Democratic Party - should they win a victory, I want it to be as narrow as possible; taught enough to keep their "mandate" to a razor-thin line that John Kerry can easily trip over once again.

So let's get out there and vote. Don't forfeit your right to be heard - it's what they are hoping for...
