วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 23, 2548

Wrong tactics for the War on Terror

Has Political Correctness so infected our system that there is no hope for a healthy dose of common sense? Michelle Malkin seems to believe so; today our favorite conservative columnist makes a salient point on why racial profiling is an ABSOLUTE MUST if we are going to properly defend ourselves in this ugly war forced upon us:

* The 7/7 London terrorist bombers were young Muslim men — all but one of them of Pakistani origin
All of the 1993 landmark-bombing conspirators were Muslim men from the Middle East or Sudan.
* All of the '93 World Trade Center terrorist bomb plotters were young Middle Eastern Muslim men — five of them, illegal aliens.
* The '97 New York subway-bomb plotters were also young, Middle Eastern Muslim illegals.
* All three of the Millenium bomb plotters were young Muslim male illegal aliens from Algeria.
* Four of the U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa were Middle Eastern Muslim men.
* Look, too, at the Islamist subway bomb plotters arrested last summer in a conspiracy to attack the Herald Square subway, three police stations on Staten Island, a prison, and the Verrazano Bridge. One of the men in the August 2004 plot, Shahawar Matin Siraj, was a 22-year-old illegal alien from Pakistan based in Jackson Heights. The other, James Elshafay, was a young, Jew-hating American man of Egyptian descent.

The usual civil-liberties absolutists are already complaining about the city's non-crackdown crackdown and warning of unconstitutional racial discrimination. Minority set-asides for public construction projects to ensure "diversity" in Brooklyn? No problem. Common-sense profiling to stop Islamist terrorists? Call in Amnesty International.

It bears repeating: Not all Muslims are terrorists; but virtually all terrorists are Muslim.

Link here: http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/50165.htm
