วันพฤหัสบดี, กรกฎาคม 14, 2548

Jimmy Carter, Liberal Hero!

The New York Times features Generation Y moron Sarah Vowell in the place of dumbass Dowd for the next few weeks...she writes the second "speech the President should give" column in the last two weeks; with the first being by another famous loser by the name of John Kerry. Sarah explains why the USA is an unliveable hellhole, then pines for the good old days:

Then I realized I was picturing George W. Bush giving this presidential bummer speech while wearing a cardigan sweater. Which is when it hit me. I was fantasizing about Jimmy Carter. I can stop whiling away the hours writing forlorn presidential speeches in my head and look up Carter's forlorn presidential speeches instead.

Of course, my favorite is the famous "malaise" speech of 1979 (it deals with the energy crisis - but never actually uses the word malaise). Considered by some to be the worst presidential speech in history, the address asserted that our problems are "deeper than gasoline lines." And: "This is not a message of happiness or reassurance, but it is the truth and it is a warning." Then: "There is simply no way to avoid sacrifice."

Those frank words, coming out of a presidential mouth, are shocking. It will be difficult, but think back and try to remember an America dependent on foreign oil, an America with high gasoline prices, an America consumed with crises in the Middle East. And imagine you feel there is nothing you, the average American, can do. Then your president goes on TV and instead of saying you can do something vague like "stay the course," he tells you that there is something small and practical you can do. You can carpool!

OK, so Sarah wants the return of leadership like that of Jimmy Carter, whom brought us gasoline rationing, crippling inflation, and leadership so ineffective that -

- The Soviet Union felt free to invade Afghanistan; in response, Carter created the Taliban to fight them, and really showed the Soviets when he boycotted the Moscow Olympics; hurting American athletes more than Soviet aspirations to global dominance
- The Arab world felt free to invade Isreal on the Jewish highest holy days; a war which Carter stopped only after it looked as if Isreal would win (again)
-The Iranians had no fear of overrunning the American Embassy and holding its personnel hostage for 444 days; humiliating their prisoners and America in the process while Carter scraped and bowed, and led to a quarter-century of unrelenting terrorism against America which culiminated in 9/11.

And the fact that a liberal president can cause all the above problems, go on TV, essentially blame the American people, and call for "carpooling" is a reason to fantasize??

Did I mention that Miss Sarah Vowell is a commentator on NPR? Or did you figure that one out for yourself? Miss Vowell, it should be known, just wrote a book of her own, essentially encouraging the assasination of President Bush, entitled Assasination Vacation. From the Slimes review:

...After seeing a performance of Stephen Sondheim's musical ''Assassins,'' and wanting to tamp down her own rage at the current president, she designs a zigzagging trip around the country as a self-administered tutorial on the history of Americans' violence against their own leaders. This pilgrimage to study psychotics and three of their presidential targets (Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley) is supposed to somehow cure her own political malaise.

The reviewer points out that she didn't touch upon the Kennedy assasination. Republican presidents only, Sarah?

Vicious Hatemonger, yes...NPR Commentator, yes...Times Op-Ed writer, yes....

Link to this stupidity here: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/13/opinion/13vowell.html
"Book" review here: http://travel2.nytimes.com/mem/travel/article-page.html?res=9806E0DB1230F936A25756C0A9639C8B63
