วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 08, 2548

Media urges us to be good little victims!

From the Washington Post, a few quotes from opinion columns on yesterday's attack on Great Britian -
Jim Hoagland http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/07/AR2005070701899.html :

Blair's proposals were never going to solve all of Africa's problems. His greatest accomplishment at Gleneagles might have been to get people to look at Africa differently -- to put aside the hopelessness and despair -- and rekindle international engagement there.
Hope is not permitted to exist for others by the killers of London, Madrid, New York, Northern Virginia, Baghdad, Kabul and elsewhere. They traffic in despair, resignation and surrender. The G-8 leaders have said the terrorists will not prevail. It is up to those leaders to show that they mean those words.

So the solution to terrorism is to increase aid to Africa, not to fight back against it!

Here's Eugene Robinson: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/07/AR2005070701901.html

Somehow we have to wage this fight in a way that doesn't turn it into some kind of clash of civilizations. Somehow we have to fight back in a way that doesn't create more terrorists than we eliminate. If we don't, simple arithmetic becomes the enemy.

"Live your lives," our leaders say. And, of course, that's all we can do.

Don't fight back, that just makes our enemies madder...live your lives, do as you are told, don't look at the bodies in the streeets, nothing to see here....

Finally, Edward Lucas tells us what is really important: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/07/AR2005070701904.html

It is easier to say what won't happen. Fortunately, there is no sign -- so far at least -- of hostility toward Britain's 1.6 million Muslims...

Well, that's certainly a relief! And let's not be concerned about the Muslim hostility towards us, right, guv'nor?

Stinkin' dhimminis...

I think Robinson's is the most offensive - he essentially says we're all going to die, so lets just lie there and do it quietly. I think this subversive message is having less and less impact as the American people, way ahead of the media's slow learning curve, realizes we are in a shooting war, one we cannot afford to lose.

Mr. Peter Bergen gets its right, in the Times of all places, where he follows up a bit on my post from yesterday:

Richard C. Reid, the "shoe bomber" who tried to blow up an American Airlines jet flying between Paris and Miami in 2001, is British. So is Saajid Badat, who pled guilty in London four months ago to plotting to use a shoe bomb similar to Mr. Reid's to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight in late 2001. And Ahmed Omar Sheik, who orchestrated the 2002 kidnapping-murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, is a British citizen of Pakistani descent who graduated from the London School of Economics.

Houston, we have a problem...

UPDATE July 10th: Goodness, is it the NY times, of all places, that actually gets it? From today's front page:

Long before bombings ripped through London on Thursday, Britain had become a breeding ground for hate, fed by a militant version of Islam....

So why wasn't the mainstream media printing these stories before 7/7? Being politically correct is more important than being alive, I guess...

Link here: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/10/international/europe/10qaeda.html?hp&ex=1121054400&en=63f4d035a1e68f74&ei=5094&partner=homepage
