วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 23, 2548

The Right tactics for the War on Terror

Thomas Friedman makes a good suggestion that is bound to be ignored by the mainstream media: Expose the hatemongers whom spread the cult of death by "shining a spotlight" on them:

Sunlight is more important than you think. Those who spread hate do not like to be exposed, noted Yigal Carmon, the founder of Memri, which monitors the Arab-Muslim media. The hate spreaders assume that they are talking only to their own, in their own language, and can get away with murder. When their words are spotlighted, they often feel pressure to retract, defend or explain them....

"We also need to spotlight the "excuse makers," the former State Department spokesman James Rubin said. After every major terrorist incident, the excuse makers come out to tell us why imperialism, Zionism, colonialism or Iraq explains why the terrorists acted. These excuse makers are just one notch less despicable than the terrorists and also deserve to be exposed. When you live in an open society like London, where anyone with a grievance can publish an article, run for office or start a political movement, the notion that blowing up a busload of innocent civilians in response to Iraq is somehow "understandable" is outrageous. "It erases the distinction between legitimate dissent and terrorism," Mr. Rubin said, "and an open society needs to maintain a clear wall between them."

There is no political justification for 9/11, 7/7 or 7/21. As the Middle East expert Stephen P. Cohen put it: "These terrorists are what they do." And what they do is murder.

Finally, we also need to shine a bright light on the "truth tellers." Every week some courageous Arab or Muslim intellectual, cleric or columnist publishes an essay in his or her media calling on fellow Muslims to deal with the cancer in their midst. The truth tellers' words also need to be disseminated globally...

First off, isn't this what blogs have been doing (especially LGF) for some time already? Perhaps Freidman is urging his freinds in the liberal media to follow the blogs' lead and expose the Islamofascism movement for what it is. He's bound to be disappointed; showing that the true cause of terrorism is not past grievances against the West, nor the fault of George W. Bush ,but a fanatical desire for a world under Islamic rule does not fit into the mainstream media's playbook.

Bush = Hitler; Iraq = Vietnam, America = Evil is all they know....

Link to Friedman article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/22/opinion/22friedman.html?
Link to LGF, a blog that has been doing the media's work for years, here: http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/weblog.php
Link to MEMRI, which has been translating Muslim hate speech for years, here: http://www.memri.org/
