วันอังคาร, กรกฎาคม 26, 2548

CNN sinks deeper, deeper...

Roger Simon talks about how CNN has jumped all over the shooting of a Brazilian man running from the bobbies in London:

...One of the most significant, if not the most significant, editorial choices of any news organization is what story it selects to feature at the top of its newspaper or website. For CNN all weekend it has been the accidental shooting by London Metropolitan Police of a Brazilian those police thought was connected to the terror bombings in the underground and then later realized was not.

Regrettable as this accident is - and it is obviously tragic for the individual and his family - for CNN it has pushed the bombings themselves off their front page, as well as the subsequent bombings in Sharm el-Sheik in which many dozens were murdered (quite intentionally, not accidentally) by homicidal Islamists. Never mind that - those "goofballs" in the London police force made a mistake. That's what's important.

Unlike the actions of London police, however, CNN's decision was not an accident. It is deeply reactionary in its implications because it distracts the public from the most serious imaginable problem into the side issue of the culpability of a few working class cops and, by implication, those in charge of them, who were only trying to react in a desperate situation. When I say many in the media have become "objectively pro-fascist," this is an example of what I mean. And not as small a one as it may seem.

While I have no issue to Roger's characterization of the media as "pro-fascist"; there may be another element at play here. Is CNN simply playing to its larger, global audience reached by CNN International? Bashing the West sells well in Europe; with their ever-shrinking audience share in America, is CNN 's editorial style of "ignore the terror, blame America(Britian)" just a way to hold onto this viewing segment?

What I can't wrap my head around is that CNN knows in a fascist theological system; they would be the first to disappear. Yet they root feverishly for those whom would have them silenced. What kind of warped morality can produce that type of thinking?


Link to Roger Simon's post here: http://www.rogerlsimon.com/mt-archives/2005/07/cnns_big_story.php
