วันอาทิตย์, กรกฎาคม 03, 2548

"Guantanamo inmates defy American guards"

What does MSNBC mean by "defy", anyway? Seems to me as if they are using it in the noble sense, the defiance of the underdog type of thing...well, here is how MSNBC describes their "defiant" friends:

The prisoners banged on their cells to protest the heat at Guantanamo Bay. They doused guards with whatever liquid was handy — from spit to urine. Sometimes they struck their jailers, one swinging a steel chair at a military police officer.

Yea, the Carribbean is tought in early summer, all right...but this story is not about their defiant animals, of course, but those terrible, terrible American MPs:

...the American MPs at times retaliated with force — punches, pepper spray and a splash of cleaning fluid in the face, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press that detail military investigations and eyewitness accounts of alleged abuse.

Good. They should be beaten, actually. What would the left's precious VietCong have done to American prisoners whom attempted this back in the day? But the media's poor Gitmo detainees certainly do know how to "defy":

Some prisoners at the U.S. base in eastern Cuba have gone on the attack, as in April 2003 when a detainee got out of his cell during a search for contraband food and knocked out a guard's tooth with a punch to the mouth and bit him before he was subdued by MPs. One soldier delivered two blows to the inmate's head with a handheld radio, the documents show.

Read the link below - that soldier was knocked down to a buck private; he should've gotten a medal...

Between the traitorous media and a soft-bellied military brass, sometimes I just don't believe we can win this war...

Link here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8435874/

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