วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 16, 2548

'O' Allah, make America stronger!"

Yet another liberal falsehood put to rest...that we are creating more terrorists by fighting terrorists - From the Al-Siyasah newspaper; via The Counterterrorism Blog:

"The Imam of al-Jabiriyah preached against the Americans and the Worshippers shouted 'O' Allah, make America stronger!""
The Al-Siyasah newspaper has received news that several mosques in Kuwait have begun to exhibit a new phenomenon manifested in the rejection by worshippers of extremist prayers expressed by some of the Imams during their Khutbah [friday prayer]. These prayers included invitations to fight the Americans and to become more hostile towards them. An example of this [phenomenon] was when Nabil al-Awadi, who is an Imam at one of the mosques in the southern region of Al-Surrah, began preaching against the Americans in his last Friday Khutbah. As a result, the people at prayer cut off his speech and demanded that he stop talking. Additionally, the worshippers at the mosque of Aisha Shabib in the Al-Jabiriyah neighborhood shouted, 'O' Allah, make Islam and America stronger' in response to what the Imam of that mosque had said during friday prayer about America and the current war [in Iraq]."

Example #2 of facts controvening the liberal lie of "fighting enemies makes more enemies" is evidenced in this recent Pew Research Poll (ignored by the mainstream media for reasons you'll see shortly) displaying the changing views of Muslims regarding terrorism. From Dhimmi Watch:

Nearly three-quarters of Moroccans and roughly half of those in Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia see Islamic extremism as a threat to their countries. At the same time, most Muslim publics are expressing less support for terrorism than in the past. Confidence in Osama bin Laden has declined markedly in some countries and fewer believe suicide bombings that target civilians are justified in the defense of Islam.

The polling also finds that in most majority-Muslim countries surveyed, support for suicide bombings and other acts of violence in defense of Islam has declined significantly. In Turkey, Morocco and Indonesia, 15% or fewer now say such actions are justifiable. In Pakistan, only one-in-four now take that view (25%), a sharp drop from 41% in March 2004. In Lebanon, 39% now regard acts of terrorism as often or sometimes justified, again a sharp drop from the 73% who shared that view in 2002.

Got to the link below; Dhimmi Watch dissects the pros and con of this poll (with a direct link to Pew so you may analyze for yourself). Osama bin Ladin had one thing right; that "people will follow the strong horse"...too bad OBL picked the wrong one....

Link to The Counterterrorism Blog here: http://counterterror.typepad.com/the_counterterrorism_blog/2005/07/report_radical_.html
Dhimmi Watch link is here: http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/007166.php
