วันพฤหัสบดี, กรกฎาคม 21, 2548

(Justice) John Roberts

For a great career summary, check out this piece from ted Cruz on NRO http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/cruz200507201432.asp.

Here's an excerpt from Cruz's piece, displaying why Roberts is an excellent candidate for the High Court:

At the outset, Judge Roberts is brilliant. A summa cum laude Harvard graduate, Roberts began by clerking for two giants of the bench, Judge Henry Friendly, and Chief Justice Rehnquist.

He then argued 39 cases before the Court, more than all but a handful of lawyers ever. And he has earned a reputation as a balanced, scholarly advocate.

When he stood at the podium, he was never oratorical or flashy, not given to waxing rhetorical. Instead, he was unflappable. His preparation was so extensive that — unlike many lawyers, who try to dodge tough questions from justices — he would simply stand and answer the hard questions one after the other, calmly and coolly addressing the most difficult obstacles to his case.

He didn’t always prevail; but, even in loss, his quick wit remained. As he observed to one unsuccessful client, aghast and asking why they had lost their case 9-0, he replied, “well, there are only nine justices.”

I'm sure we'll hear the baying from those moonbat liberals shortly; IowaHawk has the jump on them here http://iowahawk.typepad.com/iowahawk/2005/07/he_or_she_is_th.html, with the captured memo entitled "He or She Is The Wrong Man or Woman For The Court!"

Read 'em both; read it all...
