วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 02, 2548

"Pole-ing The Electorate"...

...is what the mainstream media does when reporting poll results. From Captains Quarters, we get The Poll That No One Reported:

...Gallup announced yesterday that it had taken a snap poll after the speech given by George Bush on the war in Iraq from Fort Bragg. The poll showed some movement bolstering support for the war. In fact, it showed Bush picking up ten points on whether we are winning in Iraq (up to 54%), twelve points on keeping troops in Iraq until the situation improves as opposed to setting an exit date for their evacuation (now at 70%/25%), and seven points on whether Bush has a clear plan for handling the war in Iraq (up to 63%/35%)...

...Oddly enough, however, CNN did not report on the Gallup flash poll in its article on the speech. Neither did USA Today, which instead regurgitated the results of its previous polling while headlining its report thus -- "Speech fails to quell some viewers' unease"

..One could argue that neither CNN nor USA Today were made aware of the Gallup poll, but that might be difficult, given Gallup's description of it in their report as a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll...

So why didn't either of Gallup's partners report these results?


The media has its storyline: The country turns against Bush; America loses the war. And they just won't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Link to Captian's Quarters here: http://www.captainsquartersblog.com/mt/archives/004855.php
