วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 30, 2548

Liberals, Stealing from the Poor...

We all know "Air America" radio is an outlet of treason and sedition manned by America-haters whom cheer the death of every American soldier. But did you know that in order to continue operating, they are stealing money from non-profit groups dedicated to helping poor children? No, I am not making this up. From today's NY Post:

It's the kind of outrageous story that would raise the hackles of talk-show host Al Franken: A government-funded agency serving the needy lends nearly $500,000 to a shaky political radio network and is never repaid.

Except it involves Franken's own Air America.

The network issued a statement yesterday admitting its connection to The Bronx's Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Clubs, which lost nearly $10 million in city contracts last month after investigators uncovered "significant inappropriate transaction and falsified documents."

One irregularity, first reported by Michael Horowitz in The City News, a Bronx-based publication, was the $480,000 transfer to Air America.

Once the light was shined on this revolting practice, of course, "Air America" decided to pay back the funds, and for good measure -

...Air America also agreed to repay listeners who had contributed to Camp Air America, run by Gloria Wise and promoted on the network's airwaves and through its Web site.

Quite a scam; real nice to rope your listners into a racket that claims to be charitable but is actual funneling survival funds to your ownership...Of course, we need to go back a day to see why "Air America" suddenly decided to pay back these misappropriated funds. It took an editorial in the Washington Times, entitled "Robin Hood and Air America", to shame these feckless liberals, or perhaps throw the fear of legal action into their empty souls:

...The money was said to have been a "loan" from the community center to Air America, which Air America would repay with interest at some point in the future. But why the public till should be tapped to rescue a foundering news outlet was a question no one seemed to consider. Maybe Air America officers thought spending public funds on their network was a truly compelling public interest. It isn't, of course, and if the allegations are true, they reveal a misuse of tax dollars to support a partisan organization.

The Washington Times editorial takes the media to task for essentially "promoting" Air America; a complaint yours truly has made here on a number of occasions:

Most of the mainstream newspapers have ignored this story. We only found out about it through the reporting of Brian Maloney, who pieced a story together on his blog "The Radio Equalizer" which was picked up by syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin. The New York Daily News buried an item at the end of a column of news briefs. There was nothing in the New York Times, which has heaped flattering coverage on the flailing network.

Well, thankfully the world has the Washington Times and the JerseyNut to inform you! The New York Times, once again, is exposed as nothing more than a yellow journalistic rag; selecting the "news that is fit to print" based strictly on its own preconceived storylines and biases. I'll end this post with a rhetorical question from the abovementioned editorial:

Air America is struggling to find listeners, leaders and reliable funding. But should it take money from children and the ailing elderly? Al Franken and Randi Rhodes, ever the defenders of the "little guy," should explain this one.

Link to New York Post story here: http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/50983.htm
Link to Washington Times editorial here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20050728-081354-1414r.htm
Link to Radio Equalizer (not quoted above, but referenced) here: http://radioequalizer.blogspot.com/ - scroll down to see his post on the issue; I'm sure he is following it closely, it's his "specialty"...
Previous posts on Right, Wing Nut on this topic can be found here:
and here http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/05/air-america-encourages-assasination.html;
I'm sure there are others...
