Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Cost Of Health Care Reform: $160 Billion A Year, Forever...

....well, that's not exactly true. Like all entitlement programs, the cost will keep escalating and escalating...

The CBO released a "preliminary" report on what the first ten years of health care reform would cost: $940 billion, with $923 billion coming in the last six years. Why? Because while the collection of taxes will begin tomorrow, the benefits won't start for another four years. So even with paying ten years of fees to get only six years of service (a scam that only the government could get away with), it will cost nearly a trillion dollars. Assuming that costs remain flat (!), that comes to $2.5 trillion over 20 years.

How are we gonna pay for that? Even the so-called "deficit-reducing" aspect of reform, which has savings estimated in the same preliminary CBO report as $138 billion, is nothing but spit in the black hole of deficits Obama is creating. With current forecasts estimating fedeeral deficits of $1.9 trillion within the decade, socialized medicine reduces Obama's insanely bloated deficit by only 7%. And that is the best-case scenario....

But here's the kicker: Insiders say that final CBO scores, replacing today's preliminary estimates, will be released late Saturday or Sunday.

Just after the bill is passed. But before Americans have a chance to read it. We will have been duped, but the snake-oil salesmen will have fled town, leaving us with a big pile of sh*t on our hands, now and forever. Meanwhile, Obama and Pelosi will be French-kissing while the media looks on and masturbates furiously...

Welcome to the Occupation...

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