วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 22, 2549

Reactionary Rosie Rips Ravishing Ripa !

Ah, a pre-Thanksgiving celebrity dustup... but this time, the JerseyNut is gonna take sides. Nobody messes with my Kelly! Here's the setup:

Ripa had been upset Friday during her show when Aiken covered her mouth with his hand while he was sitting in for Regis Philbin on "Live! With Regis & Kelly." Ripa responded to the move, saying, "No, no, no. I don't know where that hand's been."
She was so upset, Ripa mentioned the incident on Monday's show, three days after it occurred.

Nothing wrong so far; I think any stranger (and while Clay Aiken may not be a stranger to Kelly Ripa, he sure is strange) putting a hand directly over my mouth is gross; I would have slapped it away myself. Even if it is someone familiar to me (say, a pretty girl?) I still would have issue with the hand - hey, even pretty girls forget to wash their hands sometimes, right?

But no, Rosie knows what the truth is - Kelly's a hater! A hater of gays!

"Now listen to me," Rosie said on yesterday's edition of "The View." "That's a homophobic remark. If that had been a cute man, a guy she didn't question his sexuality. . . I guarantee if that had been Mario Lopez she would not have said the same thing."

But my Kelly, who is as funny as she is pretty ("Hope and Faith" was my secret shame), ain't taking any guff from tubby, no sir-eee:

Ripa, who was still at the "Live!" studios while "The View" was on, immediately called into the show to rebut O'Donnell's comments.
"I'm watching the show, Rosie. I love you dearly, but I have to strongly, strongly disagree," Ripa said. "I think what you said is downright outrageous."
Ripa then pointed out that she is probably the only talk show host who has interviewed the former "American Idol" star, who hasn't asked him about his sexuality.

But because Rosie's gay, she has victim status, and that makes her in the right!

"I'm just saying that as a gay person in the world, that's how it came off to me," Rosie argued.
Listen, Rosie, you fat, ugly, mean little no-talent faghag, not eveyone who says something negative about a gay person is a homophobe, OK? In fact, if you are so shrill about being treated equally, you have to expect to be critisized and be able to take it, just like anyone else. Not to mention that there was nothing sexist or homophobic at all about Miss Ripa's remarks - you may be able to knock her as a germaphobe, but if you saw as many people as I do scrubbing themselves with Purell on a daily basis, you would think Kelly's reaction to having a strange hand jammed over her mouth to be a bit subdued, as opposed to excessive.

Now go sit in the corner, Rosie, and think about what you've done! And mind you don't choke on the drumstick while you do so, and...hey! Stop licking your fingers! That's gross! (oops - does that make me a homophobe?)

And thumbs-up to Kelly Ripa, who smacked Rosie down fearlessly, while remaining more civil than she needed to be...pretty, funny, smart, and tough! Yum!

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Ripa is a bi$#h.
Clay outshone her...she couldn't stand it.