วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 08, 2549

No Tears...

Well, the Dems had their night last night; at this early writing they have picked up 27 seats (giving them the same slim margin the Republicans had going in) and were poised to take the Senate, although that is not confirmed.

The AP whoops it up:

Democrats won control of the House early Wednesday after a dozen years of Republican rule in a resounding repudiation of a war, a president and a scandal-scarred Congress.

Not mentioning, of course, that a six-year sitting President's party historically has almost always taken big losses in Congress...Methinks the 1994 Republican takeover of the House with a change of 54 seats (twice last nights "wave") was a bit more of a repudiation, especially since it was only in that President's second year in office...

Gateway Pundit is despondant, but I haven't lost my faith in the American people - hey, even good people can make bad choices! And yet another thing I have faith in is the Democrat's ability to screw things up; and their lack of a governing platform, their desire to "go after" George W. Bush, and their tax-and-spend mantra will not play well over the next two years, Iraq nonwithstanding. And while folks may have voted for "change", they did not vote for the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Charles Rangel to be their new self-declared "leaders" - when the country sees who is actually pulling the strings behind the Democrat's curtain, many will rethink their votes, for sure.

And when will this all come to a head? Why, just in time for the 2008 Presidential elections; which will present itself as a sweet opportunity for a strong Republican candidate to win the White House and take back control of at least one of the two houses of Congress. Not only will they likely get to run against Hillary, but against Nancy, Teddy, Charles, and Murtha as well. Nice, juicy targets...The Republicans have two years to regroup, rethink, and win - and I have faith in them too!

Chins up!

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Sad day, but we move forward.