วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 30, 2549

Liberal Hot Air Causing Global Warming?

Unchecked global warming will devastate the world economy on the scale of the world wars and the Great Depression, a major British report said Monday.

British Treasury chief Gordon Brown, who commissioned the report, said former Vice President
Al Gore,
who has dedicated much time to warning of the effects of global warming, would advise the British government on climate change.

So Al Gore is in the employ of a foreign government; one who wants to cut back 1% of the world's GDP in order to battle Mother Nature. Would be nice if they actually would put some of that same effort into, oh, I don't know....maybe fighting terrorism? Now there is a plauge that has demonstrably killed thousands of people; and can certainly devastate the world's economy with one suitcase nuke. But no, despite the piles of bodies all across the globe, we need to spend more time talking about terrorism, and trying to appease it. Kind of like combatting global warming with a sacrifice to the thunder gods at the stone temple.... that'll cool things off!

And lo!
We have infidels at the gates!

Richard Tol, senior research officer at Ireland's Economic and Social Research Institute, called Stern's report alarmist, saying it overestimated the impact of climate change.

Stephen Milloy:

Stern’s report apparently claims that climate change could cause the worst global recession in recent history, according to a report in the UK newspaper The Guardian (Oct. 26).

This bizarre conclusion – which somehow spins the higher energy prices and reduced energy available associated with greenhouse gas regulation into an economic boon
– should come as no surprise as Stern foreshadowed his thoughts earlier this year in a discussion paper entitled, “What is the economics of climate change?”
In that paper, Stern asserted that “the science… actually shapes all the economics that follows” and that “the overwhelming weight of scientific opinion supports the view that climate change represents a real and growing threat.”

There is no doubt that Stern’s first assertion is correct –
science remains the pivotal point of the global warming controversy. But what about his latter point? Is the science settled?

Milloy uses scientific method to question the existence of global warming; but he's most likely wasting his time, as this movement has become a religious doctrine for the Left; with non-believers being shouted down and excommunicated from the faith for daring to ask questions. Somewhere, Copernicus and Galileo weep....

It astounds me - the fossil history of the globe clearly shows evidence of multiple climatic shifts over the eons; from warm streches lasting thousands of years to ice ages lasting twently times that length. Yet the liberals ignore this proven history of the globe (gonna deny the ice age? check out the Canadian rocks sitting in Central Park...) to insist with self-rightous smugness that a stray degree of global warming (which is not even a blink of the eye in the life of the Earth) is proof of a human-designed catastrophe, that coincidentally can only be undone by reorganizing the economic structure of every nation on Earth. How convenient!

I hate to interrupt the choir, but I have no more intention of converting to socialism to cool the globe than I would converting to Islam to prevent terrorism. Neither is effective; and both will rob us of our ability to face the real threat when (and if) it does arrive. Sorry for my inconvienent truth, Mr. Gore - and excuse me if I doubt the firebrand radicalism you are preaching, but your fear-mongering and dire warnings make the Christian Evangelicals you constantly rail against seem almost reasonable in comparison. At least some parts of the Bible can be authenticated, after all...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

1) Environmentalism isn't socialism.
2) Reorganizing economic structure isn't socialism. A democratic capitalist society can introduce trational environmentalist policies to, y'know, help out later generations, without being commies.
3)Liberals don't ignore ice ages. What they're saying is that until now we havent had an equal level of pollution because before this we didnt have so much burning of fossil fuels.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Also, Steven Milloy is an unethical craphead of a journalist. He is a paid advocate for Phillip Morris, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, and ExxonMobil. The guy is a walking conflict of interests example. His articles benefit the companies he lobbies for. Do your research.