วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 24, 2549

I'm Waiting for Bono's / CAIR's / France's Apology!

From EUROSOC we hear of going-ons in Glasgow...Bono thinks he's preaching to the faithful just because they come to hear him sing:

U2 were performing in Hampden Park, Glasgow, to a sell-out audience.

In the middle of the concert Bono hushed the crowd, asking for complete silence. Then he slowly started clapping his hands, clap-clap-clap-clap-clap.
Holding the audience in awestruck silence he says softly and seriously into the microphone "You know every time I clap my hands a child in Africa dies..."

A voice from the back row shouts "well f***ing well stop doin' it then!"

Ah, wisdom from the cheap seats...still better than lies from CAIR, who screams to the ceiling about Muslim persecution every time some birdsh*t lands on a beard...turns out that Muslims cannot hold a candle to the Jews when it comes to being a
persecuted minority:

...of the 1,314 verified offenses motivated by religious bias, 68.5 percent were anti-Jewish.
Only 11.1 percent were anti-Islamic, despite claims of rampant anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. by groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations.
Across the board, hate crimes in the U.S. dropped last year by 6 percent...

Hugh Hewitt breaks down the numbers:

America’s Jews were the victims of 68.5% of 2005’s religiously motivated hate-crimes. Even though there are a lot less of us than there are Muslims, we incurred almost 7x more hate-crimes than America’s Muslim population in 2005. I am expecting CAIR to send every Jew in America a sympathy card in the very near future.

CAIR claims that the "alleged" crimes against the Jews were mere hoaxes concocted by the Jewish Lobby and the Mossad, and the few that were verified were "legtitmate Muslim response to Israeli aggression and terrorism within the Occupied Territories".

Meanwhile, the Daily News's resident racist, Errol Louis, parrots the CAIR line (not a word about the sevenfold higher number of anti-semetic incidents, of course) and bemoans the fact that 46% of all Americans have a negative view of Islam...but Errol informs us that the fault is not in the murderous terroristic acts launched worldwide in the name of Islam, but in the blind raging hate of the ignorant American people....of course! How did I miss that one?

Enviornmental Republican wants to know why the media isn't on this; I say it is because they are too busy planning the victory party for the Democrats this November. Or setting the stage for another "we wuz robbed!" scenario, when they fall just a bit short once again. Does "Election Day" become "Litigation Day" from now on? And if so, isn't this a victory for the Democrats and their large constituancy of lawyer-types?

Well, the media may have already consigned this election to the Democrats, but - and I am sorry to disappoint the New York Times here - I reckon that I am going to go out this November 7th and vote anyway...

And maybe the French need to apologize to the Japanese - not bloody likely, but still:

Around a dozen Japanese tourists a year need psychological treatment after visiting Paris as the reality of unfriendly locals and scruffy streets clashes with their expectations, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

"In Japanese shops, the customer is king, whereas here assistants hardly look at them ... People using public transport all look stern, and handbag snatchers increase the ill feeling."

A Japanese woman, Aimi, told the paper:
Fo"r us, Paris is a dream city. All the French are beautiful and elegant ... And then, when they arrive, the Japanese find the French character is the complete opposite of their own."

And how would you describe the Japanese character? Proud, honorable, humble, traditional, and respecting are words that come immediately to mind...now think of the complete opposite, and thus we have the French.

It's enough to send anybody to a psychiatrist...

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...Don't hold your breath,