วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 22, 2549

France: Future Seat of the Caliphate

The French "youths" are rioting in the streets -

An average of 112 cars a day have been torched across France so far this year and there have been 15 attacks a day on police and emergency services. Nearly 3,000 police officers have been injured in clashes this year. Officers have been badly injured in four ambushes in the Paris outskirts since September. Some police talk of open war with youths who are bent on more than vandalism.
The thing that has changed over the past month is that they now want to kill us" said Bruno Beschizza, the leader of Synergie, a union to which 40 per cent of officers belong. Action Police, a hardline union, said: “We are in a civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists.”

- and the police are ordered not to arrest them - it is Ramadam, you see - the holy time for Muslims to fast, contemplate, and firebomb automobiles. Ah, France during the intifada... Gates of Vienna points out how sharia law now gets enforced in the schoolyard, Islamic-style:

"A schoolgirl was stoned Wednesday in a playground for non-observance of Ramadan."

'A schoolgirl at the Jean Mermoz college [secondary school] in the eighth district of Lyon was pelted with a hail of stones on Wednesday morning in a playground where she was eating a snack. The theory that the act was related to the non-observance of Ramadan has been confirmed by the prosecutor in Lyon on the strength of the earliest results of the investigation.

Dymphna at Gates follows up:

That was several weeks ago and though I searched for follow-ups to the story there don’t seem to be any. She probably went home, washed her wounds, and went back to school the next day, careful to eat in the lavatory next time.

Ironic now that the French are finally getting to know what it fees like to be a European Jew....

Well, no need to fret...probable next French President Nicolas Sarkosy has made his position clear on how he will handle the radical increases in robberies, rioting, and random destruction of innocent cars. You see, he's going to...disarm the citizenry. From the Brussels Journal:

...in what is my conception of the Republic, security is the responsibility of the State, I am against militias, I am against the private ownership of firearms, and I’m trying to make you think about that. If you are assaulted by an armed burglar, he’ll use his weapon more effectively than you anyway so you’re risking your life. If the criminal is not armed and you are and you shoot, your life will be ruined, because killing someone over a theft is not in line with the republican values that are mine. The private ownership of firearms is dangerous.

I understand your exasperation for having been burglarized two times, I understand the fear that your wife and daughter may have but the answer is in the efficiency of the police and the efficiency of the judiciary process, the answer is not in having guns at home.

No, actually the election of a politician like Sarkosy is dangerous. He'll disarm Pierre, and do nothing to quell the continuing rampage of Muhammed. The Muslim mobs, seething with resentment at being governed by those they consider their inferiors, will continue to advance...

Give it what, two years, maybe? before Iranian President Ahmadinejad, flush with nukes, takes his seat in Paris as ruler of the new Caliphate of Europe...and the likes of Sarkosy will still be there (with some type of authority, like the Vichy French) - bearded now, wagging his tail like a good dhimmi, continuing to do the bidding of his Islamic masters...

Why not? Things are actually moving quite nicely, actually...look, the French armed forces are already at the disposal of Hezbollah....

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

... and we hear nothing from the MSM.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

112 cars torched PER DAY?! Not that one needs any perspective to know that this is utter insanity, but just for the sake of reference, does anyone know how many cars are burned per day in, say, New York City? Detroit?

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

I couldn't document any totals for NYC or Detroit; but I found this in the NY Times from November 2005:

More than 7,000 vehicles have been set ablaze since the civil unrest began in the suburbs of Paris on Oct. 27. The daily damage report posted by the French police is a car owner's nightmare: 502 burned on Friday night, 463 the previous night, 482 the night before that, and so on.

No other country in Europe immolates cars with the gusto and single-minded efficiency of France. Even during tranquil periods, an average of 80 vehicles per day are set alight somewhere in the country.

"Burning cars is rather typically French," said Michel Wieviorka, a French sociologist who has studied the phenomenon. "The last two weeks have been unusual, but it is more common than people realize."

Here: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/13/international/europe/13cars.html?ex=1289538000&en=d58d54572eb65196&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss