วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 10, 2555

We'll always have Texas...

...all is not lost as long as the Lone Star State stays within the union.  Kind of the bright shining city-state on the hill, so to speak...

God bless 'em, those wacky Texans will not be bullied out of the oil business, as the state is rapidly becomes the cold-hard-cash capital of the United States.  Mr. Rick Perry may not be president, but he is still governor, and while George W. Bush chills out on the ranch, his heir apparent, one George P. Bush (at right), is making his moves.  And for very man (and woman) there is a gun, and for every gun there is a man (or woman).  At least until Obama gets his chance to stack the Supreme Court...

But let's not dwell on that, as we're going for some irreverent fun here, to break the overall somber mood.  We're going full-out Rule 5 today (the brilliant innovation of one R.S. McCain), and stacking our own deck with...Texas cheerleaders, from a variety of franchises.  Shoot, they're all good, all beautiful, and they all have that shit-eating Texas grin, the one that says "we're from Texas, and we got it all!"

The Maverick girls have new uniforms!  Yay!

These girls raise support for the Dallas Cowboys:

And how about those college girls:

One thing I can tell you about these girls...none of them are asking the government to spend tax dollars on their birth control.  That's only done by girls who look like this...
