วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 11, 2555

Katrina On The Atlantic; Obama Plays Golf

Sandy gives up her dead unwillingly, much like the ocean she whipped into vengeful fury.  And yet still the corpses come:

Cops found the body of David Maxwell in his Staten Island home on Friday after it lay undiscovered for 11 days — with his neighbors thinking he had fled before the storm.

The 66-year-old lived alone with his cat — which also died — in the modest yellow, two-family house on Mapleton Avenue in Midland Beach. The home now stands in a flooded wasteland of trash, ruined furniture, mold and mildew....

The death of Maxwell, who friends said was a Marine who served in Vietnam, is the 23rd in the borough attributed to Sandy.

Citywide, Sandy’s death toll hit 43 yesterday as a 77-year-old Rockaways man was added to the list...

While the dead continue to surface, the living continue to suffer mightily:

Some of society's most vulnerable people - the elderly, the disabled and the chronically ill - have been pushed to the brink in the powerless, flood-ravaged neighborhoods struggling to recover from Superstorm Sandy.

Here, the catastrophe has closed pharmacies, kept home care aids from getting to elderly clients and made getting around in a wheelchair impossible. The city has recorded at least two deaths of older men in darkened buildings.

For some living in the disaster zone, it has all been too much.

When a team of medics and National Guardsmen turned up at Sheila Goldberg's apartment tower in Far Rockaway on Friday to check on the well-being of residents, floor by floor, the 75-year-old burst into tears and begged for help caring for her 85-year-old husband.

"This is a blessing. I'm at my wit's end," she said, sobbing.

Two floors below the Goldbergs, medics from South Carolina found Daisy Nixon, 70, slumped in a chair under a pile of blankets. A diabetic and a victim of two strokes, she was suffering from an untreated dislocated shoulder injured before the storm. Nate Thompson, an EMT, checked her blood glucose levels and found them troublingly high.

"It's been cold. Lord, have mercy," Nixon said. She said she was also having trouble breathing at night...

"Can I kiss you? Don't you walk away from me," she said, and planted a smooch on his cheek.

Struggling to survive post-apocalypse, in The Rockaways, Queens, New York

Another neighborhood resident, Joseph Williams, said that the home care aide who normally helps look after his 27-year-old son, who has cerebral palsy and needs a wheelchair, hasn't been able to visit since the storm. After days of trying to take care of him himself, in a flooded high-rise with no utilities, Williams gave up and carried him down seven flights, so he could be evacuated to Brooklyn...

The tales of woe are endless and ongoing, and the piles of dead continue to rise.  One wonder where the president of the United States is - one Barack Hussein Obama, hailed by the media for his leadership and cool hand during the storm, which happened to be just days before the election.  Where is he?  Why hasn't he said a word, or made a visit, since his brief  post-storm phoo-ops over ten days ago?


With the election over and his golfing no longer a potential political liability, President Obama returned to the fairways today (November 10th), playing for the 105th time of his presidency...

Obama has always found time to golf, no matter the demands of the presidency...

Obama today is at the Andrews Air Force Base course along with some of his regular crew of young aides who golf with him – Eugene Kang, Joe Paulson and White House trip director Marvin Nicholson.

I thought he was the champion of "society's most vulnerable" people?

Oh well - I suppose playing golf while the very people you swore to take care of are slowly dying is some type of liberal "higher morality" that us dumb conservatives can't wrap our small, racist, misogynistic minds around. It really can't be such a big deal, because the media never even talks about it. I guess this all means...that it is OK when poor folks and black people die of neglect, as long as a black man is president while it is happening?  Or is it just when a Democrat is president?

Breezy Point, yesterday....

Gosh, this new morality is so confusing...
