วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 07, 2555

But - like 8% unemployment, $16T in debt - I am sure this isn't Obama's fault...

Just looking at the stock market in the first day of the Second Coming of The One....and seeing something not quite unexpected:

I always thought there might be a little bit of a "Romney bounce" built into the market, the way part of the  market collapse of 2008 was in actuality a pre-adjustment to the coming Obama presidency.  Does anyone else see a potential tie-in?


Which, of course, was not a threat yesterday.  Well, not if you get the your news from the MSM...

And speaking of which...Sarah Hoyt blames the media for the shellacking the Republicans took last night - and us for standing there, for the last 12 years, and taking it.  She just may be right

So, why did Mitt lose? How? The media. It’s hard for us to believe but our neighbors still believe it. Our neighbors know nothing about Benghazi. They’ve bought the cooked job numbers....

Yes, they deserve what they get, for their blindness, their willful ignorance.

But it’s not all their fault. It is ours too. We’ve hid in the political closet. We’ve eschewed politics in polite company. We’ve become what gays used to be: a minority that’s safe to ridicule...

..the media portrays us as a...horrible, uncaring people. We hate everyone. We’re stupid too. We’re something out of a comedic routine.

And we let it go on....

The fault is not with our candidates or their campaigns, but with ourselves...
