วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 06, 2555

Voter Fraud Reported In New Jersey And Philadelphia!

Well, that didn't take long...over at More Monmouth Musings, we get an eyewitness account to voter fraud:

Art, thought you would be interested in this. Norm & I went to Freehold to vote early today. Got there, filled out paperwork and were given a ballot. Never asked for an ID or anything! We were in the room voting and an “election aide” asked a woman if she needed help filling out the ballot and she said no, “I am voting for my daughter who is out of town.” AND THEY LET HER VOTE!!!!!

Wonder which party she was voting for?

It's still "Dirty Jersey"...

And in Philly...well, they are working extra hard to achieve 100% Democratic turnout...even if that means physically evicting Republican poll-watchers.  Powerline:

It is being reported that Democratic Party operatives are evicting court-appointed Republican poll watchers from polling places in Philadelphia. Specifically, this reportedly has happened in Ward 32, Div 13; Ward 43, Div 14; Ward 56, Div 1; Ward 56, Div 22; Ward 32, Div 28; Ward 32, Div 28; Ward 12, Div 17; Ward 39, Div 1; Ward 24, Div 9; Ward 18, Div 25; Ward 43, Div 14; Ward 29, Div 18; Ward 65, Div 19; Ward 20, Div 1; and Ward 6, Div 11. The idea is to kick out the Republicans, then stuff the box with ballots marked for Obama. This is how some of these precincts have achieved 99 to 100% turnout in past elections.

The New Black Panthers are out, too, “guarding” the same voting location where they were criminally prosecuted for voter intimidation in 2008.

In Jersey, we always talk about Republicans needing to win elections "outside the margin of fraud".  Looks like - thanks to Barack Obama and Eric Holder - we're going to need to take that terminology national..
