วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 04, 2555

Closing Argument #2: Get Your Ass Out And Vote, Or...

Really, it's a message to all Americans who realize Obama's way is a road to ruin, but keep making excuses so as not to vote Romney on Tuesday:

More here...

Related:  Words from Ayn Rand's intellectual heir, and the last remaining stalwart of Objectivism, Leonard Peikoff.  Naturally, he's not thrilled with Romney - at all - but even he realizes what we are up against:

Obama is in essence a destroyer for the sake of destruction, a nihilist, the first such to become President. The object to be destroyed is America. Given the academic and popular support he has received, he has been able to pursue this goal methodically and, to many observers, with astonishing success.

Many evils are in store for us if Obama wins a second term...

The political choice in November is: non-entity vs. anti-entity. Or: a man who is nothing vs. a man who wants to mass-produce nothings. This, in my judgment, is an unanswerable reason to vote for Romney, no matter what the nature and quantity of his flaws. A man such as our current president is far more dangerous to the survival of the United States than any terrorists from the Mideast...
