วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 01, 2555

Point Pleasant Represents!

Point Pleasant is geographically one of the closest "shore points" to my home; certainly the nearest that offers true "Jersey Shore" style fun - boardwalks, rides, games, and tons of food.

Well, it's destroyed now. And I admit feeling a catch in my throat as I saw images of the devastated amusement pier. But I was heartened when I saw this photo of a large-scale sand etching, created in time for Barack Obama's flyover yesterday:

If the president came looking for grateful beggars, desperate to receive his (actually, the taxpayer's) alms, and prepared to genuflect before him...well, he showed up at the wrong beach. 

God bless you, Point Pleasant, New Jersey.  I will be back this summer, regardless...

That was then, and hopefully will be again.  But post-Sandy, Point Pleasant looks like...

If they show the same spirit as we saw scrawled onto the beach yesterday, Point Pleasant will return...
