วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 22, 2555

Americans prefer Tebow to Obama as Thanksgiving dinner guest

...maybe there's hope for us after all, as it seems as if America would rather carve the turkey with a positive, God-fearing, pro-life, America-loving, morally upright man than with a snide, secular, nasty politician who would put each of us at our neighbor's throat if he could somehow personally benefit from it:

Tim Tebow is America's most popular Thanksgiving dinner guest, a new survery shows.

According to the survey, conducted by Nielsen, when asked who they would like to have as a Thanksgiving dinner guest, more Americans preferred Tim Tebow to President Obama.

The survey, released today by Destination America, shows that 23 percent of people in the United States said they would prefer the Jets backup to the Commander in Chief, who only garnered five percent of the vote.

It's easy, of course.  Who'd  you rather have saying grace with you?  This guy:

Or this guy:

Looks like #2 already has a case of indigestion...
