วันศุกร์, พฤศจิกายน 09, 2555

If you want a dose of optimism...

I'm not your guy.  At least not now.  Not yet.  But if you want something to counter last night's dose of dick-in-the-dirt pessimism,  turn to Rob Long, as he tells a tale of yore:

Halfway through the Battle of Shiloh, when an exhausted William Tecumseh Sherman met up with Ulysses Grant in a rain-soaked camp, after a brutal and bloody day of fighting, he found the Union commander sitting calmly and smoking a soggy cigar. It had been a terrible day: the Union forces were caught unprepared and off-guard, and the Confederate sneak attack had claimed many casualties and had even led to the astonishing event of a Union general taken prisoner.

Sherman approached Grant as he smoked his wet cigar. They were silent for a moment. Sherman stood there as Grant smoked thoughtfully and stared out at the rain.

"Well, Grant," Sherman finally said, "We've had the devil's own day, haven't we?"

Grant nodded. Puffed at his cigar.

"Yes," he said." And then he added: "Lick 'em tomorrow, though."

The next day, the Union won a decisive victory.

Lick 'em tomorrow, though....

Perhaps a better analogy is the Democratic party, circa 2004, who sat stunned and amazed as that dummkopf, George W. Bush,  won a second term and held the House & Senate for his party.  The left was deflated, while conservative columnists wrote gleefully of an emerging permanent Republican majority (James Taranto of the WSJ, of whom I'm a big fan, is unfortunately provides a good example).

And you know what happened two years hence.  Then two years later.  Then four years after that...

But in their hubris and the drunkenness of power, the Decorations are making the same mistake we did and assuming history ends with them, today and forever.

It doesn't have to be that way.  As we learned back in 2006 and 2008, a hell of a lot can change in a very short time...and for all we know, the narcissism and folly of Barack Hussein Obama (unfortunately) may make the job much, much easier...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

LibertyAtStake กล่าวว่า...

"the narcissism and folly of Barack Hussein Obama (unfortunately) may make the job much, much easier..."

I do believe you are on to something, dear Sir.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thank you, and I hope we are both right. But hope for me right now is in short supply, as I watch my fellow Americans celebrate the election of a man who openly intendeds to undo 200 years of some of history's greatest work...

Always America First กล่าวว่า...

I would like to apologize to Ben Franklin. We could not keep it. This country died the day the last foounding father died. June 28, 1836, James Madison. The priciples of the Declaration and the laws of the Constution have been shit on ever since. In 2004 they were scrapped in favor of the ideas in the communist manifesto. On Tuesday November 6, 2012 our documents and principles fully ceased to be the way we shall govern ourselves until this "nation" finally decends into the the depths of the abyss.