วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 19, 2553

Poll: Tea Party's Anna Little Within 1 of Frank Pallone?

WOW! I knew the ground movement was big, but most of the polling has been a bit depressing, with the most recent showing her behind by as many as 8-9 points. And yes, this is an internal poll, but with all of the good will Anna has built up in the community over the past few months, I can't imagine her releasing numbers like these if they were fudged:

Republican numbers cruncher Adam Geller of National Research, Inc. shows Republican challenger Little with a shot to win in her challenge of a vulnerable U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-Long Branch).

Commissioned by the Little campaign, Geller puts Pallone ahead of Little by one point, 44-43%, in a survey Geller conducted from Oct. 5-6.

The survey of 300 likely 6th Congressional District voters with a +/- 5.66% margin of error shows that district voters favor the generic Republican candidate by a margin of 43-39%.

Pallone has a favorability rating of 42%, compared to 36% unfavorable. His job approval rating, according to the poll, is 35%, compared to 39% who disapprove. Among voters who have heard of both candidates, Little leads Pallone, 58-32%. Those with a "formed opnion" of both candidates give Little the lead, 66-27%. Among voters who are a self-reported "10" in vote likelihood, Little leads 48-40%. Among independents, Little leads 49-34%

Who's gonna show up on November 2nd? That's going to make all the difference. If discouraged Democrats stay home, Pallone will have "Little" to cheer about on the 3rd....

And a big public endorsement from the Chris Christie can't hurt, either, who has said repeatedly,“there’s nobody I want to see defeated more than Frank Pallone.”

We're with you, governor:

And check out some videos of Anna Little thoroughly kicking Frank "I wrote the health care bill! It's mine! All mine!" Pallone's sorry ass in a recent debate here...
