วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 18, 2553

Connecticut Senate: Vince McMahon Calls In The WWE !

Tired of the abuse his wife is taking - but more likely, concerned about the fallout to his multi-billion dollar wrestling enterprise - Vince McMahon is fighting back against Richard Blumenthal's smears against the WWE:

BusinessWire - World Wrestling Entertainment(R) is calling on WWE fans worldwide to "Stand Up For WWE" in a new viral campaign launched today on WWE.com and social networking websites, including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. WWE invites fans to voice their support for the company because it has come under unfair and biased attack from certain politicians and media outlets. WWE will correct factual inaccuracies that have been reported about the company during this election season.

Videos will feature Vince McMahon, WWE Chairman and CEO, along with several WWE Superstars discussing various topics including WWE's PG content, treatment of WWE's full-time employees and its performers, and WWE's Talent Health and Wellness Program. In addition, the videos will highlight WWE's longstanding commitment to give back to communities through literacy programs, support of the military and their families, the annual "Tribute To The Troops" holiday special and the company's more than 25 year relationship with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Well, there are a ton of people who watch the WWE - their TV broadcasts are usually among cable's #10 watched on any given week, and their pay-per-views are insanely lucrative, both for the WWE and the cable providers. How many of them vote, however, is an unknown, and this is unlikely to make much of a dent in the Connecticut Senate race.

HOWEVER - McMahon is a genius at playing up the bad guy; if the media thinks they can go "Christine O'Donnell" on this guy, they're stupider than I even ever imagined. McMahon would love nothing more than a clip calling him and his millions of WWE fans "idiots"; the media as the ultimate heel would be a boon to both Linda and Vince, as he would play and replay the clips over and over, to the booing of the crowd, with a "bad guy" wrestler taking Dick Blumenthal's side, and his "good guys" vowing war for the sake of their honor....

If millions of viewers can become thousands of votes, it could be a game-changer.

You know what else would help? Pointing out how involved the WWE is with our men and women serving overseas, as opposed to Blumenthal, who just lies about being involved overseas:
