วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 18, 2553

Michelle Obama & Jill Biden: Whores

Hey- it's OK to call women in politics "whores" now! California's Jerry Brown did it, and got an endorsement from NOW the very next day! I mean, it almost came off as...a reward for his remarks! So where's mine?

Anyway, if we use the definition of "whore" as somebody who sells their bodies to raise money (and deliver a rather large percentage of it back to "the pimp"), Michelle and Jill fit the bill to a "(slu)T":

Michelle Obama and Jill Biden are expected to raise $1 million at two New York City fundraisers Monday night.

The first reception, hosted by fashion designer Donna Karan, will raise $800,000, according to a Democratic National Committee official. Eighty-five guests were invited to buy $10,000-a-person tickets to the Greenwich Village reception.

The second event will be a concert at the St. James Theater hosted by the actress Sarah Jessica Parker and featuring the singer Patti LaBelle, the official said. Tickets range from $100 to $2,500, but Gen44 supporters will be able to get $100 tickets.

Folks paying $10K just to spend an hour with you? Sheeeeeet, somewhere, Ashley Dupre is grinding her teeth...
