วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 12, 2553

Media Assures Us "Book-Throwing" Is Normal Philadelphia Behavior

...while in Iraq, throwing shoes at a sitting president is a crime for which you get time. So who's more civilized, anyway? Certainly not our media, who will do anything in order to avoid casting their personal Jesus, Barack Hussein Obama, in a negative light...

Here's the facts:

Mark Knoller of CBS said that the Secret Service has interviewed the author, whom they described as an "overexuberant" Obama supporter who merely wanted to make sure that the president had a copy of his book. The determined scribe said he meant no harm but exercised horrendous judgment -- and that was apparently good enough for the Secret Service, which didn't seek charges against him. After agents with the service questioned the man, they saw to his release.

And here's the spin:

Many originally thought that the book-hurler was acting out of anger, much like the infamous Iraqi reporter who hurled a shoe at then-President George W. Bush. But high spirits often get out of hand in Philadelphia. This, after all, is a city whose residents are famous for booing Santa Claus. By those civic standards, a streaker and a text missile in the vicinity of the president's head make for a pretty serene day.

So chucking a book at Obama's head is just a case of "(Philadelphia) boys will be boys", while tossing shoes at George Bush was a watershed moment; an expression of the world's rage, justly vented by Muntadhar al-Zeidi's size 10 hoofs.

Seems like the media is unable to admit the obvious: The Philadelphia rally was the perfect analogy for the Obama administration - naked men (emperors?), books thrown as opposed to read, accusations thrown as opposed to facts discussed, and stage-managed audience responses, all with a dark undertone...

Maybe Barack ought to stay indoors a bit more. His "rallies" lift the curtain on sick and secret show that is what remains of his cult of personality....
