วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 29, 2553

Christine O'Donnell...Closing The Gap?

In the last few days before an election, you have to watch the momentum as much as anything else.

Just ask one-time double-digit-deficit candidate Scott Brown. Whoops, I mean Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts....

How much does it hurt
NPR to report the following:

Christine O'Donnell is surging and not just in terms of web hits owing to the controversial Gawker story about her Halloween date three years ago.

A new Monmouth University poll has the Republican now just ten points behind Democrat Chris Coons in the U.S. Senate race.

Two weeks ago, Coons' lead was about 20-percentage points over O'Donnell whose candidacy was increasingly seen as doomed by many.

But to have so much movement towards O'Donnell in a race that had appeared settled is extraordinary if this poll is capturing public sentiment accurately...

We'll stop here, as NPR continues with "It's especially remarkable given the gaffes O'Donnell has made...", at which point they repeat slanted talking points which could have come right out of Chris Coons' media guide.

But we'll give them a little sympathy here, because we know that NPR just winced having to report this story. And speaking of which:

The Gawker story, which again, hit the Web before this latest poll, appears to be creating something of a sympathy backlash for O'Donnell.

We speculated this morning that the only reason NOW & the leftist blogosphere was even showing any remorse over this incident is because they felt they could afford to, given Coons' lead in the race. If it is 10 points and dwindling, I'll bet many of those same bloggers are regretting their charitable show of support, and are wishing they just
unzipped it and jumped on the pile. Oh, wait - here they go. Reverting to form.

Could be an even more interesting Tuesday than any of us can imagine...
