วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 03, 2553

"No Pressure" star Gillian Anderson needs a spanking !

Oh, Gillian. How could you? You made my heart ache in "The X-Files" as the practical and beautiful Agent Scully, with your winsome smile, your heartbreaking loneliness, and those lips - pouting when Agent Moulder dragged you out at 2AM to investigate some absurd curiosity that irritated your sensual scientific mind but piqued your almost-feline curiosity. All framed by glowing red hair.

And those eyes - I'm a sucker for big blue eyes, endlessly shimmering, deep, and full. Oh, and how you wear them well...

How could you star in a snuff film like the one put out by UK environ"mental"ists 10:10? How could you participate in a fascist threat piece, more porn than propaganda? Why would you voice over a film that showed children being detonated for refusing to participate in leftist group-think?

If you haven't viewed it, I have it here - Gillian first appears towards the end, at about the 3:20 mark. Warning - not safe if you've eaten lately, or have any sense of moral decency...

I prefer to remember Gillian as she once was. And if she will acquiesce to laying across my bent knee, I will certainly apply a well-deserved spanking, at which point she will hopefully learn her lesson. And renounce her recent actions. And repent in my arms...

But really - isn't it all about Rule 5 ?
