วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 09, 2553

Brett Favre Does The Jersey Twist...

OK, so while this is primarily a political blog, we have a love for the New York Jets, beautiful women, and all things Jersey. So let's take a moment to talk about Brett Favre, Jenn Sterger, and Hoboken...(and maybe Rule 5?).

Brett is accused of sending photos of his penis (although, perhaps for clarity's sake, we should say "a" penis, since there is no evidence that the offending member texted was actually his, nor is this blog interested in seeing said evidence) to this woman, former Jets "Gameday" host Jenn Sterger:

Alas, said body part happens to belong to this woman, Mrs. Brett Favre, aka Deanna Favre:

Now note how closely young Deanna looks like current Jenn Sterger:

So there it is, ladies. If you want a Hall of Fame quarterback who will shortly retire and earn untold millions sitting around, signing his name and endorsing shaving cream, well - be a busty brunette, or be gone....

One cannot blame Brett Favre for making a "pass" (ouch!) at Juicy Jenn; and while this blog is a staunch defender of conservative values, I always find it a bit mystifying at the faux outrage these incidents tends to gin up.
While marriage vows are indeed sacred, I find it hard to believe any woman married to a professional athlete can expect him to remain chaste, as he travels around the nation, getting more press and TV time than any celebrity, playing in front of crowds on a a daily/weekly basis that would make Bono green with envy, while beautiful women throw themselves at him, saying please, oh please....

And at least a few props to Brett for having the good taste to recognize the inner beauty, depth, and charm that is the characteristic trait of all Jersey girls...

The real scandal here, I believe, is that Jenn claims to live in hip-and-trendy Hoboken, when in fact the site Hoboken411 has discovered she truly lives in up-and-coming (but not quite there yet) Jersey City....

Oh, Jenn. Bad girl. We love you anyway, and now we'll show our readers why:

And if you're fussy enough to want to stroll around the whole vehicle, here's what the rear bumper looks like:

