วันพุธ, ตุลาคม 06, 2553

More Child-Snuff Porn From The Environmentalists..

...as if the film by 10:10 showing children's heads exploding all over their traumatized (but politically correct) classmates wasn't bad enough, now we have an ad from a green group aptly named ACT Responsible, with their own version of environmental kiddie porn:

We always knew, of course. But when the facts came in, and the Warmists began to lose their arguments, the mask was torn off and the fascist fangs were bared. Fortunately, we don't scare easily. Liberals often mistake their own cowardice in the face of adversity (see Islam, radical) as a condition that afflicts all of humanity, and expect us to quiver and cower as much as they do.

Just curious, and concerned: At what point does this constantly imagery of killing kids in the name of the environment get turned into, you know, actually killing kids in the name of the environment? And where is the media on this? You know, the ones who keep warning the Tea Partiers and the conservative movement that "words can kill", despite their inability to find any spoken threat uttered by the movement?

When the time bomb that is the hatred and the hostility of the Green movement goes off (and perhaps it has already begun), the media will have some of that blood on its own hands as well...

Incidentally, who's on theboard of ACT Responsibly? No surprises here:

•Didier Cherpitel - Former Secretary General, IFRC (International Red Cross)
•Jacques Bille - Vice Chairman, CNDD (Conseil National du Développement Durable)
•David Hanger - President of FAEP (European Federation of Magazine Publishers)
•Bas de Leeuw - Head of the Integrated Resource Management Unit, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)

Ah, those wacky Euro-fascists...
