วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 17, 2553

Obama Heeps More Scorn Upon The Americans People...

...yeah, pal, that's how you'll win our hearts back - telling us we're so scared we've lost all control of our facilities of reason. And like his prior remarks about "clinging", the truth about Obama's feelings towards his fellow Americans (if he even considers us as such) comes out behind closed doors, this time at a fundraiser outside of Boston:

WEST NEWTON, Mass. - President Barack Obama said Americans' "fear and frustration" is to blame for an intense midterm election cycle that threatens to derail the Democratic agenda.

"Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we're hardwired not to always think clearly when we're scared,” Obama said Saturday evening in remarks at a small Democratic fundraiser Saturday evening. “And the country's scared.”

Obama told the several dozen donors that he was offering them his “view from the Oval Office.” He faulted the economic downturn for Americans’ inability to “think clearly” and said the burden is on Democrats “to break through the fear and the frustration people are feeling.”

It seems beyond Obama's
ken that the American people understand his arguments all too well, and are rejecting them based upon clear thinking, science, and factual analysis. No, if anything, Obama is so confident he is right and we are wrong that he is planning on moving ahead with another piece of legislation that is also solidly opposed by the American people:

Obama indicated that he intends to move forward with an energy bill, regardless of what happens on Nov. 2, but said he needs a Democratic majority in the Senate to do so. He called the legislation "a piece of unfinished business" that's going to require some heavy lifting, and he predicted being able to win over as many as seven Republican Senators to support the legislation.

Wow. Is he delusional, or just a pathological liar? According to
this piece, Obama's cadres couldn't even pick up one Senate vote for cap & tax. Where the hell does he think he's going to get seven from, out of a group that will include Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ron Johsnon, Kelly Ayotte, Roy Blunt, and whoever gets elected from West Virginia? Most of them with the shadow of Sarah Palin over their shoulder, no less...

You know what? Maybe we are a nation in fear - of Barack Obama and the Democrats, and what insane scheme to loot our public treasure and private wealth they intend to foist upon us next in the name of the "public good" . In fear of a president who is a closed-minded economic illiterate, surrounded by sycophants who know how to take advantage of his weaknesses for their own ends. And perhaps, due to this fear, we have tuned out everything the president and his party have to say, for good and ill, knowing that it is all window dressing to cover up the next round of government invasion into every sphere of our private lives. Maybe that's why so many Obama voters plan to vote Republican in two weeks...

And so, with our backs against the wall, we have decided, like cornered animals, to fight back. And now that we are gaining the upper hand, we cannot hear the pleas of our former tormentors saying "no more, no more, we'll be good, we promise!" as we circle them with deliberate attempt to finish off the job on November 2nd. Or perhaps we hear all too well, and know that once their fear vanishes, they'll be right back to picking our pockets...

Or maybe we are just the last scions of a generation of frogs, who now refuse to carry the scorpions on our backs....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

joetote กล่าวว่า...

The man has his elitest head so far up his you know what that he is to blind to see that the electorate is in fact paying attention. They are not stupid and they are tired of being talked down to and lied to. This is easily one of the most pathetic creatures to ever inhabit the White House. And there are people who actually applaud this clowns leadership? What leadership. Lies and deception. that's all there is.

A real leader and a horse’s ass. Guess which is which. Hint: 33 men are alive thanks to leadership

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

..and capitalism. No wonder Obama has been so subdued over the miner's rescue; a government-run operation would still be filling out the requsition forms and consulting about prevailing wages with union honchos.