วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 24, 2553

NY Governor's Race: If You Have To Elect A Whore...

....why not elect a real one, with real-life on-the-job experience, as opposed to all the wannabes on their knees?

Sure, Andrew Cuomo is a whore. Son of a governor, born with a silver spoon up his ass, he has been in the business of government his entire adult life. He will do what he needs to do to get elected, even sneaking through subways to suck up to crooked pols, or trying to destroy Fedex, in order to win union support from their competitor, UPS. Oh - and his tenure as secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Clinton administration has been blamed by many for setting in motion the collapse of the housing market. Hey - it was a good career move for him, though. What else matters?

Carl Paladino, the Republican on the ballot, is an angry man. Not Chris Christie angry but batshit-crazy angry. An upstate businessman, he's taken shots for receiving millions of dollars in tax breaks from a defunct economic development program on buildings he owns and for not creating many jobs with the tax credits he's received. It was a good move for him, though...

So which whore to choose? How about none of the above? If you are looking for a professional prostitute, look no further than...candidate Kristen Davis:

Kristin M. Davis, formerly known as the Manhattan Madam, is a former madam and candidate for Governor of New York in the New York gubernatorial election, 2010. She is running on a libertarian platform of legalizing prostitution, marijuana and same sex marriage, and firearms rights. Davis invites contributors to "get FOK'd" by becoming a Friend Of Kristin.

Davis was a madam who competed with the Emperors Club VIP, the escort service at the center of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal, and has suggested that Spitzer frequented her services as well...she stated on The Joy Behar Show that Spitzer was blacklisted from her agency for his behavior toward her staff. Davis served four months in prison on Rikers Island for her role in the scandal...

Why the hell not? She is who she is, she's honest about it, and is more qualified to run a crooked state like New York than Mario's spoiled brat kid or Krazy Carl Paladino. She's run a successful business with no government handouts, was instrumental in exposing the scandals of former governor Elliot Spitzer, and - having been recently sprung from Rikers - is more likely to walk the straight and narrow than either of the two sorry men above.

Perhaps I should refrain from calling Kristin Davis a whore. After all, when it comes to the job she is currently pursuing, her qualifications are both unique and apt.

From now on, I'll call her...Governor Davis.

Give 'em hell, Kristin...

And I promise...I will take an executive order from you anytime....especially if you keep bringing me the Rule 5 love...

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