วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 19, 2553

Folks, The "Enthusiasm Gap" Is Real...

..especially if we take Marco Rubio at his word, as well as the St. Petersburg Times, which reports this development:

Early voting starts today, but absentee voting by mail has been underway for weeks. The Florida GOP has long enjoyed a superior absentee ballot program, but Democrats have made strides cutting into that advantage. Still, even as Democrats say they have the biggest voter mobilization of any election except for 2008, they appear to be lagging well behind in absentee votes.

This nugget from a Marco Rubio early voting alert to supporters: ...Ballots are being cast as you read this. About 370,000 people have voted already by returning their absentee ballot. So far Republicans hold a 73,000 lead in votes cast! We have 65 victory offices open throughout the state and last week alone our volunteer army made over 160,000 calls to help spread the word. Our Get Out The Vote operations are full speed ahead!..

Somewhere, a president has just soiled himself...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Tumba กล่าวว่า...

Yeah, the problem is the democrats mantra is: Vote and Vote often... twice in the same day if you have to.