....prominent among the newly empowered cut-and-run Democrats is the new speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco.
Regarding Iraq, she wants out.
This has all sorts of negative implications...but never let it be said that she doesn't represent the views of her district. At least on this issue.
San Francisc

Despite the program's immense popularity, the board deemed it better to focus on what one member termed a "curriculum of peace."
"We're really shocked," a fourth-year cadet, Eric Chu, told the San Francisco Gate Chronicle.
This was no anomaly. One year ago, San Franciscans overwhelmingly passed a referendum - "College, not Combat" - which condemned military recruiting in the city's high schools and colleges.
Before that, the City Council voted 8-3 to bar the mothballed battleship USS Iowa from the Port of San Francisco, where organizers had hoped to convert the warship into a museum.
There's even more, but the point is clear: Nancy Pelosi comes by her extreme views on Iraq honestly - her constituents feel the same way.
Quick Notes:
- Had the Republicans run on Nancy Pelosi (and Charles "reinstate the draft" Rangel, and Carl Levin) the way the Democrats ran on Iraq, they would have stood a much better chance of retaining the House.
- The People's Republic of San Francisco is not all about "peace", as they like to proclaim, but more about an ignorant disdain and disrespect for the military.
-Sending children into today's world holding onto nothing more than vain pleas for peace is like sending them outside naked in a snowstorm. You are essentially greatly reducing their chances for survival...but try to tell that to the pious ones who came up with the "curriculum of stupidity".
And a prediction:
Nancy cannot escape her electoral heritage; and she will use every bit of political persuasion at her disposal to enact legislation and policies that mirror that of her home district. Will she succeed in turning all of America into a Greater San Francisco? Or will the conservative Democrats who took most of the seats previously held by Republicans resist, know their political survival is on the line?
January 21st, 2009: Republican President sworn in, with new Republican Congressional majorities. The San Francisco Experiment fails, returning Pelosi and her like-mined radical liberal ilk to the sidelines, where they will brey about injustice in tune with the editorial pages of the New York Times...
More about just how dangerous the San Francisco-designed Cut-and-Run policy really is can be found here... as well as an answer to the question, "What is more important - a million foreign lives, or one self-sacrificing American life?"
UPDATE: From The Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby writes about San Fransicko:
"IN THE FIRST place God made idiots," observed Mark Twain. "This was for practice. Then he made school boards." The San Francisco Board of Education's 4-2 vote last week to abolish the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program, which has been active in the city's high schools for 90 years, tends to support his view...
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