วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 02, 2554

Slutwalk NYC: A Diversionary Tactic To Help "Occupy Wall Street"?

What better way to draw a few hundred cops off of the "Occupy Wall Street" beat than to stage a simultaneous demonstration of half-naked self-declared "sluts", in another part of the city?

If it were intended as such, it failed, as some have actually suggested that the NYPD - always one step ahead - lured the "Occupy Wall Street" dirtbags onto the Brooklyn Bridge, only to corral and arrest them.  Hey - you wanna take your chances in the murky depths of the East River - go ahead and jump, pal.
Normally the cops would have been all-in on Slut Walk, but for some there is a greater allure in some good old-fashioned hippie ass whompin'...

Here's what the guys assigned to the bridge missed:

Protesters dressed in their underwear have taken to the streets of New York today after it emerged the NYPD were warning women in Brooklyn to cover up in the face of sex attacks.

The latest 'slutwalk' protest comes a day after women in Park Slope were warned short skirts should not be worn and shorts that show too much leg have been deemed inappropriate.

On today's march the protesters chanted 'No means no - however we dress, wherever we go.'

Finally...a protest I can get "behind"...
