วันพฤหัสบดี, ตุลาคม 06, 2554

Barack Obama, In A Polling Free-Fall....

Quinnipiac states the obvious:

The trend isn't good for President Barack Obama....

You think?

American voters disapprove 55 - 41 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing, an all- time low, and say 77 - 20 percent that the economy is in a recession, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Voters say 44 - 11 percent that the economy is getting worse, not better, while only 29 percent say the economy will improve if the president is re-elected.

Voters also disapprove 48 - 34 percent of the way Obama is handling the Israeli- Palestinian dispute. The president should be a strong supporter of Israel, voters say 63 - 20 percent, but they split 39 - 40 percent on whether Obama is a strong supporter....

Especially troubling for the president is that voters say 49 - 39 percent that Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney would do a better job on the economy.

I'll go out on a limb here and say the president hasn't hit bottom yet. Especially if he keeps talking like this on the campaign trail.

And those 41% of folks who do still "approve" of his work? If only 5% of that total are simply afraid of being called "racist", he's got an "approval" rating only in the high 30's. Pretty much simply the Democratic/socialist base.

Hey, maybe if he ties himself in with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement...
