วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 30, 2554

The Japanese Do The "First Pitch" Right....

So I'm irked that YouTube snatched back this video (note: link restored? If so, it's a quick must-see), an interesting example of the Japanese take on the tradition of baseball's "ceremonial first pitch" - in this case, a female gymnast in a baseball uniform performing an odd but intriguing bit of contortion as part of her unique windup.

So we'll go with this one instead, and ask ourselves, why don't girls like these throw our first pitches here in America?

It's odd that this little video can send me into a rant, but...how come all we ever freakin' get is fat anti-Semites like Roseanne Barr, grabbing their crotches and spitting like pigs, when the Japanese get to see bikini models?

Oh, man, if Bill Veeck was still alive, he'd run with this....and Hoshino Aki (as he would, no doubt, be fully versed in the intricacies of RS McCain's... Rule 5):
